Monday, December 11, 2006

Quiz fun

Oh, and online quizzes also do not suck.
Your results:
You are Daniel Jackson

Daniel Jackson
Jack O'Neill
Dr. Frasier
Samantha Carter
General Hammond
A Goa'uld
You are sensitive to the needs of
others and are a good communicator.
You always stand up for the little guy.

Click here to take the Stargate SG-1 Personality Quiz

Right. I think we all saw that coming. Of course, that was Pre-Ascension Daniel. Post-Ascension Daniel is way less nerdy.

Your results:
You are Jean-Luc Picard

Jean-Luc Picard
Will Riker
Deanna Troi
James T. Kirk (Captain)
An Expendable Character (Redshirt)
Geordi LaForge
Beverly Crusher
Leonard McCoy (Bones)
Mr. Scott
Mr. Sulu
A lover of Shakespeare and other
fine literature. You have a decisive mind
and a firm hand in dealing with others.

Click here to take the Star Trek Personality Quiz

Yes. That's me. An old bald white guy. Right.

Your results:
You are Spider-Man

Green Lantern
Wonder Woman
The Flash
Iron Man
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Click here to take the "Which Superhero am I?" quiz...

Again, I rate as "dude." Should I be worried? Perhaps it's time to get out a skirt and shout "I'm a GIRL" again?

Things that don't suck so much

During Finals week, we tend to hyperbolize. The scope of the universe shrinks, and the real Theory of Everthing seems to have something to do with our paper on Jane Austen and the Wagon Wheel (that's a joke for Emily Allen). To remind myself that this is just school, I've compiled a list of things that don't suck.
Things that don't suck

  • My cat, Kit. Yes, that's right. She's a "KitCat" because she's so sweet. And because thats the name of the Familiar on Charmed, who was also grey. As I write my papers, she leans her head on the edge of the laptop, on the blank area by the mouse. And purrs.

  • Coffee. Coffee good. Today I had a (guess!?) Venti Iced Almond Latte (Vial) from the drive thru Starbucks out at the new shopping center on Creasy Lane. Yeah, a long way to drive, but I did it in my old Wit sweatshirt and pj bottoms, so who can complain? Also good: ERC's house blend. And ERC's espresso. And ERC's teas--happy yerba matte.

  • Harry Potter. Specifically, HP fanfiction. It's a good thing there are more than 270,000 fics on, because I'm insatiable. Even assuming the 3% rule (97% of fanfiction is written by 14 year old girls who can't spell or create a plot), that leaves us with 8,100 good fics. Get reading.

  • Bad movies, good friends. Dana has arranged for a bad movie night, like the one we held this summer. The feature will be Attack of the Bimbos, which Dana and Reuben are giving to AmERICa (Amanda and Eric) as a Christmas present. I will do a review of the Film here. Maybe. If I ever stop laughing.

  • The Recycle Bin. I finally ran out of space on my thumbdrive, and decided that instead of buying a new one (cause they're so expensive?) I'd delete some obsolete files. After getting rid of things labeled "misc notes" that no longer mean anything, and removing some strange icons that got downloaded when I did my disability studies paper, and combining some notes into one file, I managed to clear 10,000 KBs. This will still not be enough for me to download all my students' papers, though, so I guess I'm hitting Best Buy tomorrow. The point was, it was exciting to remove unwanted files, and to remove that which means nothing. Too bad it's not easy to do that with the rest of life.

  • Jeremy Tirrell. Not a joke. Why? Because he was supposed to remove all Drupal websites from Fall 2005 last week, and he didn't. Why is this good? Because all of the files from my Rhetoric of Science class are still online for download. Why is this good? Because I went looking for the ones I had printed out, and I was missing not only pages, but the names of the authors. Jeremy's lack of time saved me a good three hours on Google Scholar, which also does not suck.

  • Sleep. Sleep does not suck, so I'm told. It is now 1:27 EST (damn Indiana legislature!), and despite being mostly finished with my work, I am up blogging. The cat is, of course, asleep, and yet somehow looking annoyed that I am not laying down so she can inhabit her space on my neck. My insomnia keeps her up too--all the tossing and turning means she has to keep changing positions. When she gets into a deep sleep, she twitches and growls...just like her mommy.

  • And finally, Animal Planet. Not just because it is an entire channel devoted to things furry, feathery, and fin-ny (yeah, FinFeatherFur), but because they don't have any of those annoying Paid Programs. Ever. All night long, there is something "real" on Animal Planet. Sure, it might be the Eukaneuba Tournament of Champions from 1998, but at least there's a droning voice. The History Channel has the nerve to go off from 4:00 to 7:00. Bastards.

  • And that's as close as I'll ever get to Christmas cheer. Bah Humbug, and Happpy Kwanzaa to all.

    Wednesday, December 06, 2006

    "Dead" Week

    It's Dead Week again, that period of time between coursework and finals when everything seems to fall apart at once: computers, papers, bodies. Perhaps renaming the week would prevent this, as well as prevent the constant zombie jokes.
    Then again, we all love zombies, almost as much as we love pirates.
    The insomnia from hell has returned. Some of you may think, "Well, that's good! You can get a lot of your work done!" Fools. You obviuosly have not had such insomnia before.
    The thing about insomnia, as is said in Fight Club is that you're never actually asleep, and you're never really awake. It's this theta-alpha wave crest you ride as you watch the sun rise and set around you. The television glows an electronic, sterile blue, and even my cat seems to be annoyed that I won't just stay still in one position and sleep. Work? Yeah, right. Zombies have eaten my brain. Everything looks like it was shot using a soft lens.
    The kids over at the Libertarian Socialists are on their third week without food, and some are in the hospital. Dead Week, indeed. The eternal semester collapses on us, like time dilation gone wrong, everything necessary squeezed into a few days, hyper-concentrated. Who says that 16 weeks is the perfect amount of time to ingest, digest, and assimilate content? What if some of us need 17 weeks? Or less? The artificial barriers are created by holidays that none of us understand anymore. No one really wants to go home for the holidays, not here in the grad lab.
    There's a reason we went to grad school. And it had only a little to do with intellectual curiosity.
    Of course, you say, "You could have been working on these papers all semester!" True. I could also organize my clothing by color, and give exact change to the cashier at Starbucks. Possible, but not probable. It's not in our natures.
    Alas, we find the edge of time again. And it is December 12th. X-files lied.