Tuesday, March 07, 2006

On reading Girard's extended theory

Poetic notes on "Things hidden since the foundation of the world"

A hinge
on ritual
covering misconstrued Gospels
Instead of throwing branches:
Propels fragile mamals
Why to be a dog--
no permanent sexuality
no possession of desire of possession of desire

"Modern society has develped a violent collection of failsafes
through humanity's production of history"
We are in a spiral of surrogates
a nautilus of DNA and victims
The exception:
the confused mass
of arbitrary victims
Symbolic people witnessing each other
Ever increasing until a word appeared
L'arc en ciel
(See page 103)evading the inn
Les choses cachee
depuis la fondation du monde
depuis la morte de Dieu
What do we do with the Hindus?
Qu'est-ce qu'on faisait avant la Porte?

"The complete renunciation of violence"
empirical empire on the pyre.
Ghost in the Shell, in the Machine
in the mechanism
evading the innocence
Just because he knows its rhetoric
Just because we've seen the wires
The Budlight ads are still funny.
"nothing but the blood"
Tant mieux.

Invisible tombs
No culture without a tomb
hieroglyphs encoding gods of the gears
Oedipus, Ra, Dionysus, Bachhae.
Pure difference
Began again with interlocutors,
Outside Cheektowaga University
The Bible deconstructs
all language is based on mythic substitution;
all substitutions are for a sacrifice.

Conceiving psychology,
Totem, taboo, the inefficient machine
(it's a management technique)
Moving toward the Buddhist
Go east to understand the absent myths
I'm human
"the animal who sacrifices"
(inventor of the negative)
to stay to eat bananas,
let the weak ones meet the knife.

They've begun to differentiate themselves
from those who can grapple with bananas.
Or each other.
Not many cultures survived
who thought living in a volcano
was a groovy thing to do.

Here I'd have to ask about the women
What do we do with
the Marys who threw no stones?
Hebraic thought is with the ethical
Tragic is with the critical
I am with the heretical
Scapegoat stories in Sethe
(Daniel Jackson killed him)
587 BC Chronicles in the picaresque
falling through the canon
Council of Nicea
making text into truth.

"Is this an account of
a guy named Jesus who all this stuff happened to
and he says some things
and some guy like Paul who never met him
writes about him
and these churches write about him
and by the 3rd century, these churches create a canon
then the 16th century ('I am a flaming athiest') with the Protestants."
"These Gospels take all these stories
and superimpose them on this guy named Jesus."

This is not just one more story
this is something like
the story of stories

(Jesus is Derridian before Derrida)
('Jesus gave an atheist account of these
mythical stories').
"I'm interested in what Nietzche said
what Hegel said--those are my gods--they're white men
they can do the job."

You don't need truth if you have Midrash
You don't need truth
You don't need.

A vision of the messianic

I see you in the finite,
Which is, of course, wrong.
I see you as a condition of my caught breath,
As a phantasm of a deeper structure.

I should pray for stronger words, angrier words
For words against completion
Something to beat a rhythm of protest,
And to pace the dampened streets at night.

I want to shiver in the air,
For without these I am hungry.
I see you as a condition of cradles and graves;
They fed into the delta valley.

Every other line is empty
Of devotion and vocation to cloister.
Not me, not in context, not in the northeast,
A condition of angrier words.

I've been here too long already
my blood stagnates when I taste
the exhaust of suburbia
My hands remember the spike
of fiberglass splinters

1 comment:

The Dog of Freetown said...

You don't half go on a bit.