Thursday, October 11, 2007

A rant against (some) Org Comm assumptions

Org comm: Created to study communication--or lack thereof--in organizations (i.e. corporations). The goal is to create happier employees, “harmony” in the company, better relationships between managers and underlings. This of course, assumes that “work” should be harmonious, assumes we can make a job into an identity, and that we SHOULD invest so much of ourselves into our corporate lives. This is a palliative for the late capitalist condition of alienation of labor and reification of wage labor.
Org comm wants to create a participatory work environment, covering up the ‘real’ power relations at work, hiding the hierarchy. Consent is being manufactured, and we are helping! The very existence of Org comm reifies the current economic structure, instead of subversively deconstructing it; it is anti-Foucauldian at best.

Of course, I'm being broad here. But this is what I'm seeing in the literature, and it's scary. Marlene, our visiting "prof" from Brazil brought these to the fore for me; she's questioning the very basis of organizational communication, and that's good. Too bad there aren't more of her....


Anonymous said...

If you need information from the inside let me know. My organization is trying and failing in this area over and over again.

I'm personally dreming of a life sans Power Point.


Anonymous said...

Dreaming that is...guess who goes to Ohio State ;-).
