Sunday, May 13, 2007

Quote, etc

Because no blog is complete without silly quotes and stuff.

Fun with the Internet Anagram Server reminds me that Iced Venti Almond Latte is also

  1. Even tall addiction met. (Because my addiction is difficult to sate?)
  2. Tall vice? Antidote met! (A latte a day keeps the crazy away)
  3. Talented manic loved it. (What I want on my headstone, with a picture of a steaming mug o' java)
  4. Toil even, mental addict. (Advice to prelim-ers)
  5. Vice-mandated nite toll. (Coffee after 9p.m. equals all night fanfic-a-thon)

Quotes of the day (Get out your French dictionaries...)

From Asano's Hands of Time (Doctor Who fanfic):
“I have hope. It’s not the same as belief, but it’ll do me for now.”

From Burke's quotation of De Gourmont
«L’intelligence est un accident; le génie est une catastrophe. » (Intelligence is an accident, but genius is a catastrophe)
« Le christianisme évangélique est essentiellement oppose à toute représentation de la beauté sensible, soit d’après le corps humain, soit d’après le reste de la nature » (Evangelical Christianity is essentially opposed to all representations of sensual [both senses of the term] beauty, being from after [logically] the human body, being after the rest of nature.)

1 comment:

Laura said...

I must say- the Internet Anagram Server is much more intelligent than it let's on. I however am not intelligent to get the French quote, but I like the fan-fic one. Miss you online. Join me sometime in the virtual cubicle for some moral support.