Saturday, May 05, 2007

Summer of Insanity, 2007

I was telling Kate about the Summer of Insanity 2004, and she noted that this summer could be a repeat--the intense reading schedule, the lack of teaching or course work, the long hours spent with fanfic. Of course, last time around, I was alone, in an apartment in downtown Boston, just me and my laptop going crazy together. This time, I've got People and a Cat.
While I haven't finished grading yet (sigh), I feel like I'm already on break. Tonight I'm going to read Doctor Who fics--my god i havent read these in weeks i'm so far behind so many chapters so little moonlight--until my eyes burn, then sleep with the Kit until guilt washes over me and I eventually grade.
To kick off the summer, I went through this blog and tagged ("Labeled," but we all know that Blogger stole the idea for this particular ability from LiveJournal's "Tags" function) everything. So now, if you only want to read my stuff about Burke or rhetoric or (geez, why?) my poetry, just find one of the posts that has that tag, click on the tag name, and you'll be taken to a page full of what you want to read. On Demand Journal Reading.
I'm rereading Burke. We'll be starting with Counter-Statement and working our way through to the Symbolic (ordering it on Amazon). Look for flashes of insight here all summer long.

Insight flashes are not guaranteed by author.
Book List, working
Motives Trio
Essay on 'HellHaven'
KB in the 20th C
Addressing PoMo (Biesecker)
Plato's Republic
Peter Brooks Reading for the Plot
V Propp: Book Story elements/Dramatis Personae
Girard: Deceit, Desire, the Novel
Watt: The Rise of the Novel
Nancy Armstrong: Desire and Domestic blah and The New One that's not any different
M Keith Booker's Field Guide to Dystopian FIction (overview of the Marxist, Foucauldian and PoMo theory that informs dystopian fiction)
Levi-Strauss on Structure of folkstories and myth
Derrida: "La Loi Du Genre"

Still need recommendations for:
[Desire for end/death of narrative]--zizec, lacan? teleology/entellechy
Epic Structure-- The Hero(ine), Causality, connection to rhetoric? Blanchot?
Apocalyptic tradition
AGENCY in/through literature
Connection to Tragedy?

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